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Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Maintaining Good Eye Health

Maybe a lot of people out there ever heard that carrots as well as other orange-coloured fruits and vegetables promote eye health and protect vision right? Well, this is true indeed because beta-carotene which is a type of vitamin A that makes these foods their orange hue helps the retina and other parts of the eyes to function smoothly. So meaning that by consuming these foods regularly will helps your eyes to work at it's best and avoid eye problem too! 
As been mentioned above, beta-carotene can benefit the eyes but please be informed that eating your way to good eyesight is not only about beta-carotene. There are several types more of other vitamins and minerals which are essentials for healthy eyes. So, this is what i am going to write today. 
Make known to the other five foods and list them in your diet in order to keep your eyesight in a tiptop condition! 

Leafy Green 
Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale and collards packed with lutein and zeaxantine; which is the antioxidants that lower the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts. 

The yolk is a prime source of lutein, zeaxantine and also zinc which also helps reduce the risk of macular degeneration. 

Citrus and Berries 
Citrus and berries are fruits that rich in vitamin C; which is effective indeed to reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts. Oranges is best to consume in order to obtain vitamin C. 

Almonds contains vitamin E which is good to slows the macular degeneration. 

Fatty Fish 
Fatty fish like tuna, mackerel, salmon, anchovies and trout are rich in Docosahexaenoic Acids (DHA). DHA is actually a fatty acid that can be found in the retina in which if the level of DHA becomes low, may result to dry eye syndrome. 

And kindly remember that eating these regularly can benefit your eye health indeed. But however, there are also several other practices you can do to maintain your eye health. 

Simply put, if you are smoker, you should stop smoking at once. This is because smoking can lead your eyes to get cataracts, optic nerve damage and also macular degeneration. So, prevention is better than cure right? Act wise now to avoid unwanted problems to your eyes. 
Apart from that, do not forget to use sunglasses when you are outdoor. And do remember to use the right sunglasses and choose the type that can protect your eyes from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. In addition, if you are involve in sports, it is wise to use safety eyewear to protect your eyes. 
If you are type of person who loves to be i front of your computer especially for  along period of time, i suggests you take rest when you feel eye sore and pain at certain part of your body. Well, rest is the best answer to "heal" it anyway. Staring at computer screen for a long period of time can cause eyestrain, blurry vision, difficulty focusing at a distance, dry eyes, headache and even make your neck, back and shoulders feel painful. So, if you notice the symptoms already, it is wise to rest. I suggests you to look away from your computer, take rest by looking 20 feet away fro 30 seconds. And if possible, take considerable time for your eyes to rest in order for it to heal itself. 
And last but certainly not least, do remember to visit your doctor regularly to check your eyes. This is essential to know your eyes health and examine the possible problems that may occur to your eyes.

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